This is just how you are Bojack
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways,...
Autolayout like a pirate
Yeearghh! That’s either the sound of a pirate taking over the bridge, or most likely , someone is writing autolayout code programmatically. iOS 6 gave us constraintsWithVisualFormat. For most autolayout...
The Zen of Swift Optionals
Ever forgotten your wallet? Had dinner plans not work out? Phone numbers are lost, pockets can have holes. In the real world, there are no guarantees. Sometimes things just don’t...
Estimate like a professional
Every developer hates estimation. It’s stressful to be put on the spot in a meeting with the expectation of providing accurate estimates for a non-trivial feature. Hastily created estimates affect...
Clean Coder Notes
During the weekend, I decided it was a good time to re-read Uncle Bob’s classic work on what it means to be a profressional software engineer. The book has so...