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Let’s build business value through code.
I’m seeking the company of motivated developers and creative individuals. I think source code is written for humans to read, machine execution is incidental. I hold myself accountable and my work to a high standard. Always seeking company of others with the same passion for high quality work.
I’m a pragmatic thinker who believes there is no such thing as a perfect program, just some are more optimal than others. When it comes to a problem I’m having trouble solving, I feel it’s better to take a walk in the park and let the subconscious work on it. My wide technical skill range includes work in reverse engineering, web development, iOS consulting and mentorship.
- Organizer of the Boulder iOS Meetup
- Featured on the iDeveloper Podcast
You may have read my work on The Syndicate, from MartianCraft:
- Automatic, for the Machines
- Technical Interview Protips
- Seven Signs Your Software Projects is in Hell
- Express Yourself, Swift Style
- Twitter: @zmcartor
- Github: https://github.com/zmcartor